Thursday, February 19, 2015

All About That Bass

"Yeah, my momma she told me don't worry about your size. She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night. You know I  won't be no stick figure, silicone Barbie doll..." - Meghan Trainor

I'm going to attempt to say this as respectfully as I can.

I'm not a hateful person, I believe. But if there's one thing I could come closely to hating, it would be statements and ideas like that. No matter what the case is or has been, I have always discouraged the practice of putting one thing down, to make another appear better. In this case, or in this song, thinner people are being put down to make being a little chunky or being thicker look and sound good. 

It's a nice idea, it really is; trying to get society to accept more than the Sally "Eat-a-burger-b*tch" Daniels around here. BUT, you don't need to stir up animosity towards a separate group to do so. 

First of all most of the people who like to complain about their weight WISH to be thinner. Commonly it's a private thought that thicker people have; but listening to them speak, they're usually putting the size 4 walking past down just because of her waistline. I can't even begin to list the amount of times I've witnessed this act, so I'll leave it at the fact that I've seen it. 

And I mean, my name might as well be "skinny bitch" for the amount of times I've been called one.

All because my weight is approved by society. 

I know that I will never understand what it's like to be an extra-large. But don't hate me for that. And then on behalf of the skinny  bitches out there, I'd just like to formerly say, we can dislike our bodies too. I may be the only person who's encountered this, and if I am then I might shut up-but when I dare say something about my body that I don't like I always get the funny look. The person always looks at me as if I've grown two panthers out of my head. Then typically, I'm told to be quiet because I'm skinny or because anyone would love to have my body or something about looking like a model. And it's rarely flattering because I feel like since I can physically pass in this world (due to my "model figure") I should never complain.

I don't like this about myself and I can't stand that but "those size threes look great on you so shut up." It's irritating. It's very similar to the way some black people blame white people for their troubles.

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