Let it be set clear that
our eyes are nothing more than our eyes;
as what is white isn't white if we can’t always be certain.
It isn't that the moon
doesn't always bloom in
every hour or so – that is
But perhaps our prickly
poisons half of the
Sometimes our insight is
in sight for too long and
We begin bickering over
the color of a coin.
BUT bookshelves don’t shelve books
in houses, cities, and towns so
that we can reek of penthouse pity,
unable to see past the glaring green.
We are not the dissectors of the
Though it may be that ignorance
Is bliss as it is influential,
We are not stationed to live like
Competitors in heat.
It is not our journey to be successful
But to succeed our lesson.
We are to
Learn the lessons we write,
Improve with age,
And evolve with our souls.
Because red isn't red,
Yellow isn't yellow,
Green isn't as it seems,
And there was never a finish line.
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